Skills & Experience
Research Methods
User experience research provides answers to the “what’s” and the “why’s” behind user needs. My fascination with UX research is that it brings companies closer and into the mind of the people who will use their products. It also guides the development of products so that user needs are incorporated into the foundation and at the forefront of product design.
I joined this industry first as UI/UX designer and product manager. The human mind intrigues me, as I became more acquainted with user research, I fell in love. I often like to point out that it’s not a field that I chose, but a field that chose me. My background in user experience research encompasses both qualitative and quantitative studies, analysis, and presentation of the data extracted. I am also adept in translating my research into design and sound guidance for designers.
While I will always continue to learn and grow as an individual, I am experienced in the following UX research methods:
Ethnographic Field Study
Participatory Design
Diary Studies
Focus Groups
A/B Testing
Benchmark Studies
User Feedback
Tree Testing
Click Testing
Card Sorting